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Westfalia parking systems are safe, secure and easy for drivers

Our parking systems provide users with a comfortable, safe and easy-to-use parking experience. All of our automated parking solutions are designed with safety in mind for both the user and the vehicle. Users no longer have to maneuver through dark parking garages or deserted underground garages.

Parking in a Westfalia automated system is stress- and worry-free. Parking and retrieving a vehicle is a simple process with short waiting times. A feeling of safety comes from the well-lit transfer cabin providing a welcoming ambience. In most cases the transfer cabin will also have a surveillance system for increased safety and ease-of mind.

Westfalia’s “safety-first” concept also applies to your vehicle. Because of the automated nature of the parking system, potential vehicle damage caused by maneuvering through a parking garage is eliminated. The vehicle storage and retrieval machine automatically stores vehicles with their engines off and are inaccessible to the public, eliminating the worry about scratches, theft and vandalism.